Gloria Bakst has over 20 years of experience working with and studying nutrition, wellness and food. Gloria has a Master's degree in Counseling, is a Zone certified instructor and a certified personal chef. She's also been very active as a resource provider to physicians and health professionals who want to help their patients improve overall health.
Gloria loves to cook creatively for any medical condition or just great tasting meals for those who don't want to cook.
"The grocery store tour dispels the 'shop the perimeter' myth. Gloria tailors each tour to the individual & uses the time for the real life lesson of eating tasty, healthy, balanced foods. My grocery cart is full of fun foods that I would never have tried - thanks to Gloria!" ~ Lucy Dearborn _______________________________________
"Well, we've enjoyed your great meals in the last week or so. I liked the sable fish, Ernie prefers salmon. Your chile is decidedly yummier than my attempt. Your salmon is not the salmon I buy!! You're awesome and I'm happy to give a referral to anyone considering your services, whether just counseling or personal chef." ~ Marianne Wronka