Monday, December 27, 2010
New Year's Quickly Approaching
Weight loss! and the Top two diseases affecting the American population is Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes.
Do you know how to deal with this issue?
Most people will go on a low calorie diet and lose weight. After they have lost the weight, they will slowly resume eating the way they did before their diet. This is called the Yo-Yo effect. Weight on, then off, then on. It is the hardest thing for your body to deal with. Actually maintaining your weight even if it is 10-15 pounds over your ideal weight is healthier for your body then yo-yo dieting.
I hate the word diet and losing weight! The opposite of this is gaining, which most people end up doing. A better way to approach this is by releasing weight, the opposite is holding weight. It is more of a lifestyle change. Time and time again studies have shown that dieting doesn't work. Restricting your calories for periods of time will slow down your metabolism and will actually make your body think that you are in the starvation mode and it will be harder to lose weight.
When I work with clients, I take into consideration what their lifestyle is, how to make small changes to feel better, release weight and prevent and reverse disease. It is not a quick fix, nothing ever is that is permanent.
I specialize in helping you have delicious food, that is easy to prepare, or I can prepare it for you, that will help you reach your ideal weight.
I can work with you to help release weight without deprivation. See for more information, recipes, or call for a free consultation.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Eggplant Parmesean

This week at the Farmer's Market I got eggplant, beautiful tomatoes, sweet basil and I made a delicious light Eggplant Parmesan that is full of flavor. If your looking for an easy to prepare dish with your fresh produce from the market go to my website
Need help cooking or don't want to cook? ChefGloriab can help. We offer personal chef services, cooking classes and nutritional consulting.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Men -Their Health, Heart and Wellness
Recently an acquaintance of mine named Samuel had a heart attack and died. It was very sad. He had a loving family, great job, and wonderful life. He had all the signs. He was overweight, had high cholesterol and other unhealthy lifestyle issues. If he contacted me, I would have been able to save his life.
He loved to eat. I would have prepared delicious foods to his liking, or taught his significant other how to do it. I would have provided him with a lifestyle support plan that would have been easy to incorporate into his daily life. I would have been there for him everyday to triumph over the challenges. He was so happy. I could have made him happier. I would have gently taught this kind and generous man that you can’t change what you don’t acknowledge. I would have nurtured him each step of the way so that he did not faultier.
By the time men become aware that it's too late, they've lived through years of abusive behaviors. They've eaten the wrong foods, they've had too much to drink, they might smoke, have hypertension, diabetes, liver disorders, and cholesterol problems. Those are the guys, you read about: people who suddenly get a heart attack and die or have a massive stroke. It doesn't make sense. Sometimes its random bad luck but for my clients its things they've been doing all these years.
You have to wonder why the guy isn't there asking the question himself about health. It's because that's not what guys do. I don't know whether its fear or denial, or maybe they don't value themselves enough, but the wives are the ones that will go online or call me to ask the questions. If you care and love someone like Sam, I can truly make the difference. For more information call me at 781-598-9313 or e-mail at Visit my website at
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Tilapia With Lemon Caper Sauce
If preparing food is not your thing but you want to eat healthy let Chef GloriaB cook it for you. We are a certified personal chef service. We will also teach you how to prepare healthy easy recipes if you would like to learn. Read about all of our wonderful services to help you stay healthy and eat delicious foods see for more information or call Gloria at 781.598.9313 or email at
Easy Tilapia with Lemon Caper Sauce
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Fresh spring roll recipe
Here is a photo of the finished DELICIOUS and wonderful Fresh Spring roll I made for New Year's Eve! I made 12 for 5 people and I only had one!! They were a big hit! To learn how to make them and see step by step photos of the process go to
In my Malden Senior Center cooking class next Wednesday, Jan. 13 we are celebrating Chinese New Years and this will be one of the dishes I will be teaching. If you are interested in attending this class call the Malden Senior Center now to sign up. The classes fill up so don't delay! They are from 2-5 pm.